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Pharmacy and Therapeutics Meeting Public Testimony Information


  • The registration form is interactive and all fields must be completed. Once submitted, the registration request is sent directly to the Department. Confirmation of registration will be sent via email from Department staff.
  • The registration for testimony must be received at least fourteen (14) days before the meeting. Registration will occur on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • The registered speaker must identify the drug that will be the subject of the testimony as part of registration.
  • Registrants who prefer to provide only written testimony may do so and will be instructed to bring hard copies of the written testimony to the meeting for distribution to all P&T Committee members.
  • Manufacturers that produce products in multiple drug classes may register to testify on each class of drugs.
  • Only one manufacturer representative can testify per product. If more than one manufacturer representative registers for testimony on the same product, the first registered will be allowed to testify and the other(s) will be declined.


  • Each registered testimony will be a maximum of two (2) minutes long.
  • Each speaker must share their name, title, organization, city of business and disclose if a drug manufacturer requested them to appear and testify in a paid or unpaid capacity. Written testimony must also include this information.
  • Each speaker must provide a hard copy of the testimony at meeting sign-in and may distribute copies to the P&T Committee members at the time of testimony. Copies of written testimony should also be provided at meeting sign-in.
  • Materials will be restricted to one (1), 8½ X 11 inch, single-sided page of bulleted information.
  • No audio-visual equipment can be used.
  • There will be no question and answer period.
  • No clinical submissions by manufacturers, companies, or organizations such as, but not limited to, package inserts, will be accepted in advance of the meeting for inclusion in the P&T Committee members’ information packets or distributed during the meeting.


  • At meeting sign-in, registered speakers will be informed of the recommended designation of the drug that they are interested in and given the opportunity to defer testimony when the recommendation is “preferred.”
  • Testimony will be received by the P&T Committee as each drug class is reviewed.
  • After an overview of the drug monograph for a specific class of drugs, registered speakers who did not defer their testimony will be given the opportunity to testify before the Committee.
  • If the final vote of the P&T Committee is different from the original recommendation and the final recommendation is “non-preferred,” registered speakers who deferred testimony will be given the opportunity to provide their testimony.


After reviewing the above criteria, please proceed to the Registration For Testimony page to submit your request.